Away from the motorways things were no better, large pools of standing water and limited visibility made the going slow even at 30mph. Looking at the highways agency reports it had been a busy morning everywhere in the UK with orange and red alerts peppering the screen. Not nice. Still, we arrived safely but the rain pretty much carried on all day as I'd imagine it did everywhere. Fortunately both of the weekend appearances went extremely well despite the weathers best efforts, let's just hope it all gets a little brighter for the upcoming bank holiday weekend.
Today though is a different matter, for a start there is a strange bright object in the sky. I think it's called the sun if I remember. Aaran, Jura and Iona knew exactly what it was and after nearly a week indoors hiding from all the nasty weather as soon as the door opened this morning out they binkied, the bunny equivalent of extreme happiness.
...and then launched straight into chewing mode and decided to take it out on Bunnyopolis with a three way chewing session. Aaran is on the left, plump Iona in the middle and Jura on the right being a little camera shy.
I know it's nice outside but today is another day of model making before getting back to painting tomorrow, my list of items required is plasticine, tin foil, pipe cleaners, cotton wool and a large oven tin and cup, I'll just have to see if I can sneak them out of then kitchen, especially after filling the last oven tin with a mixture of water and ink a few weeks ago. Admittedly it did stain a tad and had a tendency to come off on everything as Jayne pointed out eating her perfectly cooked yellow and purple salmon fillet. Ooops!
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