Yet another set of unfortunate sticker placements starts with this mildly amusing mishap but it's not long before things start getting more, how shall I say, Risqué?
He looks a strange kind of elf to me but I can see where the protection is needed, especially from the shirt and shoe combo and his strange dad dancing gurning face, surely you wouldn't need warning about this one. Bust your funky stuff at the disco though and you might find this...
I wonder if she knows he called her a 'ho', he certainly is leering a little too much. Is that a bag of chips or a loaf of wrapped bread she is holding? Maybe I'm reading this one wrong and she needs a hoe for the garden to tend her vegetable beds, yes, that's it and he's popped over to give her a fork too. See, totally innocent, what was I thinking.
Oh my! This sounds like a problem, maybe my next book can help... (I'm pretty sure Dickens didn't wear funky chefs chequerboard trousers either, or Willy Wonkas jacket whilst we are at it)
Really? I shudder to think what the other 98 are, maybe it's just a list of things to stroke and how not to get arrested doing it. Look closely I'm right, you can see a little chap at the bottom stroking an elephant.
Finally a book that's not afraid to say it like it is, obviously it's a statement on life, a self help book that tells you no matter what happens in life you are always well and truly butt holed. First in a new series apparently, other titles include the personal development book 'You Are a Sad Sack' and the inspirational 'You Suck'*
*Other titles are available from the newly formed MMMBC. Should you wish to subscribe each month you will receive from the Monthly Mass Misery Book Club a selection of five titles to disappoint you. impress friends and mystify clinical psychiatrists with your selection of mentally diverse material guaranteed to add nothing to your life apart from draining your bank account. Join for FREE today, send £500 to cover postage to MMMBC and receive a free gift.N.B. Gift may or may not be available to all subscribers. All gifts are guaranteed to be of significantly poor quality and of delight only to those of you that prefer to be underwhelmed and disappointed.
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