Monday, September 03, 2012


I'm halfway through the Autumn release show but I couldn't wait to share "Home Comforts" with you, based on a real family I wanted to do two things, firstly capture family life centred around the most recognisable bit of furniture and also include what a simple sofa meant to me.

It was a ship when I was small, a climbing frame as I grew, a place to eat when I was a teenager and now a place to sit, contentedly, and lose myself in everything it has seen. Settee, big chair or cushion catcher, call it what you will, to me a sofa will always feel like home and with a family, it becomes complete.

To get this as accurate as possible though required the modelling of the entire room, starting of course with a balsa wood and plasticine sofa. All the Impossimals were then modelled, placed and posed until it look right, then I added a cat on the arm and a dog of the floor to recreate an everyfamily scene but with enough characteristics in it to reflect the real life subjects. I dropped in a mug and added a hastily painted backdrop for detail. Finally the whole scene was lit using two spotlights, one from the front pointing through a square apature cut into cardboard giving the effect of a TV glow and secondly a blue light from the left to simulate the light from another room.

So I eventually ended up with this, my starting point, a photograph, a lit model and a blank canvas.


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