Friday, September 28, 2012


Work is well underway with new Impossimals after a burst of activity over the last few weeks entailing plenty of new sculpting, set building and oil sketching so full painting can start in earnest next week now everything is prepared.

A new addition is the oil sketches, although I have done them before as shown above they were primarily used to get the colour balance right and certain ideas across but now I have changed them again to be even more useful so they include a list of oils used and certain mixes that creates specific colours and tones, a date when the piece was created and relationships to pieces if necessary to link stories to other Impossimals.

This small 10"x10" image gives you an idea. Even though it doesn't include the oil paint information yet what it does show is the heavy black border I have quickly put around the piece to frame it. Using a plasticine model as a guide a rough approximation of the light is added, to help this further I will paint this again in black and white to get an idea of the depth then finally paint the main piece using all the reference materials and models. A bit more work than usual but I'm dying to get stuck in, just one more to finish off today and I have left the best till last, it's got rabbits in it!


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