Monday, October 29, 2012


Over the weekend I was delighted to receive a friend request from Stuart Wilson, a collector of my work for many years who had spent the last three turning his 1965 Lambretta in to a mobile piece of art. It really is a piece of work and just like my Impossimals it's been put together with love, care and attention. I asked Stuart for a couple of words about the reasons he decided to decorate it this way...

'The artwork was done by Kevin Bambra, he decorates a lot of the show ground rides, and works from a small workshop in South Shields. My aim was to make people smile, not enough people smile these days !

Everyone seems to think that naked ladies and vampires are the in thing at the moment - I like your Impossimals.

Kev painted the bike and Phil Stewart put it together. Both deserve a lot of credit.

It got its name 'Nutty As A Fruit Cake' from the first description my Father in Law, Brian said to his daughter Diane, now my wife, " Your not going out with him from the bottom of the estate, he is as nutty as a fruit cake" - and here we are, happy and still Nutty !

On the front mudguard is a family picture. Annabel, Diane, Rachel and myself, looking down onto the road. A copy of a picture that hangs above my bed. Nice to think their always with me.

Front legshields have a my Daughters Annabel (with pink bow) and Rachel (with Blue). Fantastic fun people.

Horn casting has eyes and nose of an immpossibel, I suppose its me.

Inside the leg shield is a picture of me pushing a roundel up a hill - Its suppose to show my struggle to keep my company, family and the country going in the right direction, not sliding down! Strange but thats the way I feel.

On the tool box door is a Cat with red and white stripes - My love of Sunderland Football Club.

On one side of the side panels it shows my Mod mates who I grew up with, a great mix of The Jam, Quadrophenia, Clothes. Nesty (Gary Foster), Phil Johnson, Steve Worgan, Bill Shepherd and Myself. I only see Phil now.

On the other is shows Diane and myself in the lake district - our favourite place. Home of were I discovered your art - Treeby and Bolton in Keswick, great for food and art.

The back light is my favourite piece. We have alway had a house Rabbit, the most fantastic pet. Biscuits is shown sitting on my head."

What a great piece of work Stuart, thanks for sharing it with us and of course whilst I'm out and about I'll keep my eyes peeled for you :)


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