This bit of warm weather has bought out the best in Bunnyopolis as Aaran, Iona and Jura enjoy longer times outdoors pottering about and finding innovative ways to keep cool. Jura prefers the victorian chimney pot whilst Iona will seek shade under a bench. Aaran on the other hand retreats inside to settle under a step, occasionally though they will all come together and settle on their vet bed, a special piece of pet friendly fabric just inside Bunnyopolis's doorway as it's perfect shade shelter and cooler than anywhere else thanks to two fans that circulate the air.
The garden seems to have come alive as the vegetable beds start to produce edible things. We have already had one flush of carrots and the second batch is coming along a treat. With onions, parsnips and sweet corn in one bed and cabbages, broccoli in another we should have plenty to keep us going whilst the carrots keep the bunnies happy. Tomatoes, chillies, peppers and cucumbers fill the green house whilst three buckets in a corner of the garden are full of peas, beans and a favourite sweet smelling flower of ours, the sweet pea.
In one part of Bunnyopolis Jayne has created a new section specifically to attract butterflies with its large buddleia plant, unfortunately it's also excellent foodstuff for bunnies so has to be well protected with a wire mesh. Only last night they found how to breach it; if all three of them lean against it the combined weight of four stone of bunnies manage to bend the wire enough for a few random chomps on overhanging leaves. We don't mind, they keep it trim for us.
Two apple trees stand proudly in Bunnyopolis and this year they are full of fruit, the recent stormy weather though has shaken a few windfalls off so we have to be quick to gather them all up before Iona who is always on patrol for free food hoovers them up.
So life is relaxed at Bunnyopolis this time of year with an abundance of produce just around the corner and three happy bunnies enjoying the weather.
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