I have no idea where this came from but it gave me quite a fright when it dropped out of an old book. Some gnarled twisted distant relative maybe that explains my crooked teeth and long nose, or something from a victorian freak show perhaps? A strange monster it proclaims but turn it on its side and all becomes clear.
Can you see it? it's a dog curled up asleep. How strange, why on earth was it in a book of mine? Anyway, what was I going to tell you?
I remember, another unsavoury item in a life full of unsavoury moments, non more so that witnessing, and I hope your not eating, witnessing a grown man using a public hairdryer at a gym to dry his hair. Nothing too shocking is it until you realise the hair he was drying happened to be from his bottom and I was greeted to a full 360 as he swing it through his legs to finish as though it was a microphone. Unbelievable.
Bare in mind that this hairdryer is used by oodles of people to dry their hair it's not very sanitary is it?
So I no longer use the hairdryer, not that I have enough hair to dry in the first place, I just don't fancy it blowing in my face so to speak. And whilst we are on the subject yesterday we were witness to a five year old slaughtering members of the public in a supermarket with an axe. OK, it was a rubber axe but they were freely running around belting random shoppers with a hefty axe whilst the parents laughed, the shoppers didn't laugh and eventually a shopper de-axed the maniac only to be admonished by the five year old that they were stealing and needed killing. My, what is everything coming too?
Axe wielding children and blow dry bottoms is almost too much for one day so on that bombshell and because I have run out of inspiration today the blog entry is rather incomprehensible, rather like life really.
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