I was recently invited to take part in Real, or more correctly Welcome To Real a social network using the post and physical objects. Basically I'm assigned a plot, a real pigeon hole at a location in London and using prepaid envelopes you send 'posts' to your plot where they are updated twice a day online for everyone to view, I can visit my plot if I want to and I can even message other plots using the postal service, it's really quite surreal but definately something different, if you want to view some of the current plots have a look at www.welcometoreal.co.uk.
My starter pack arrived in this nifty mock laptop, underneath was everything I need to 'post' offline, all I need now is a good idea where to start and once I have that I'll have a plot number to give you so you can follow the growth of my plot from the comfort of your own armchair.
I'll keep you posted so to speak, don't forget that you don't have long now to enter the Evergreen Art Cafe Christmas Card competition, full details at www.petersmithcollective.co.uk.
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