Friday, August 01, 2014


Bunnyopolis is looking its best at the moment with its apple trees and veg bed coming on a treat as you can see from the picture above. Out and around Bunnyopolis a few more bunny and hare related items have snuck into our home taking the grand total to somewhere close to a hundred scattered throughout our house.

Our collection of hares and rabbits is not a collection of rabbit and hare related tat though, every item has been bought or placed for a reason. We have pieces going back thirty years that we can still remember why we bought them and for what occasion. I suppose they act as little markers of memories and it's quite comforting to have them around.

This new addition is a stone rabbit that Jayne had when she was a child, it remained in her mothers garden under a load of undergrowth until a few months ago when she dug it back out and relocated it back in Bunnyopolis. I actually quite like it when they have seen some wear, it adds oodles of character.

Another bunny that has joined us recently is this great hollow metal rabbit which now stands in our hallway, the first to greet visitors and certainly not the last although in this picture he seems to be inspecting our radiators. Although it's a garden ornament we didn't want him to rust away so kept him indoors instead.

Finally something we have been after for a while, a large stuffed felt rabbit head, not everyone's cup of tea I'd admit but it looks great hung in the kitchen and it matches the large stuffed felt stag we have on the landing. Ooo, that sounds a bit odd 'felt stag', dunno why it seemed strange typing that. Isn't it weird how some words seem to lose their meaning the more you say them whilst others don't. Toast for example will forever be toast no matter how many times you repeat them after each other but try repeating ecology hundreds of times and you will end up saying collogy and it will no longer make sense.

Or is that just me?

I'm rambling off on a tangent aren't I? Sorry about that.

So not much of a blog for Friday I know, the studio beckons this morning for both of us and whilst the weathers a bit cooler it's the ideal time to get stuck in.

Have a great weekend :)


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