Sunday, May 27, 2012

Egg Skipping

The last few days have been spent in the garden enjoying this glorious weather. I'd guess that yesterday and today most people will be either having a barbecue or at least smelling one, last night was probably ideal for that, barbecue+drink+Eurovision, a winning combination. Pity old Hump came second. To last.

Only a week to go until the Jubilee celebrations, you know your getting on a bit when you can remember the first one with its street parties, oodles of bunting and some very 70's food served up in a year with a glorious sunshine summer. I remember the regional television news programs aired around this time that used to show the more quirky side of British life, Midlands Today, Look East and many more formed part of the BBC's Nationwide news program featuring skateboarding ducks, reports that sitting in a comfy chair is good for you and the strangely compelling yet disturbing man who claimed to be able to jump on an egg. That image is burned on my retina; a man, in his fifties I would guess, dressed in shorts and a dubious top jumping over an egg in an egg cup and trying to tap it with his foot as he went. Classy.

See, I even managed to dig it out for your viewing pleasure. Anyway, where was I? Ah, yes, the Jubilee.

The silver Jubilee in 1977 bordered in an era on the edge of taste, in were flares, Englebert Humperdinck was at his peak and the new trimphone was launched and everybody wanted one. Star Wars hit the screens and the government admits that inflation has pushed the cost of living up by 70% in three years.

Sound familiar? Replace the above with flared jeans, in fashion I'm told, Mr Hump himself, a new iPhone later on, Prometheus at the cinema and inflation pushing the cost of living up by the same amount and we are back in the day. Not much has changed really, all I need to do is strip down to my smalls, get out a small egg and leap like a pixie in front of the camera for that authentic Jubilee feeling, more shockingly is that its suddenly dawned on me that I'm nearly the same age as Mr Egg Skipping Shorts Wearing himself. Eeek!


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