Sunday, February 17, 2013


It's gone all Spring like at Bunnyopolis, the sun is shining, there's a little frost on the lawn and Aaran decided he wanted to go mental. As soon as the door opened he was out and about binkying around like some demented bucking bronco. Ears flapping in all directions until at last with one mighty flick he turned 180 degrees and froze, unable to work out how he had done in.

Meanwhile the two girls Jura and Iona (Iona is the one with the big bottom) sat watching, unimpressed but strangely curious as to what the big yellow thing in the sky is. Obviously remembering last week when they stood in the same place watching a snowstorm sweep the country.

Eventually they all came out if only to find something new to do. Moss licking. Seriously buns, is this really necessary? You have dog bowls full of water, five star accommodation, all the hay you can eat, bales of straw to bed down in, a bunny conservatory, heating, artwork, CCTV and you prefer licking moss?

Roll on Summer!


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