Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Zesty, Sharp, Tangy

I found this lemon rather curious, the logo looked like the Universal Films logo, maybe in a different reality Universal Fruits made all the classic and not so classic films...

Who can forget Jaws, just when you thought it was safe to drink your gin. The film opens with a girl sipping out of a tumbler unaware that just below the surface of her gin is Jaws, the killer lemon. The opening scene of a lemon accompanied by an oboe sound effect as it latches onto her bottom lip is horrific. Lets move on...

Flash Gordon's Gin and Ming The Lemon, a classic cult film full of great lines like 'Gordons Gin is alive?!'. Despite flopping at the box office on release its now available on VHS and Betamax. Action figures of Ming The Lemon can still be found at supermarkets today (may require assembly)

ET, Extra Tasty, a left field hit that bought us the first Lemonalien to our screens and into our hearts. Who could not cry after witnessing the goodbye scene when ET squirted lemon juice in Elliot's eyes.

And on to Jurassic Lark, a mad scientist mutates lemons into limeosaurs and lemondactils which then go on a rampage after discovering that humans have machines to extract the juice out of fruit. The approach of a Tyrannalemon Rex is particularly noteworthy as is the destruction of Jurassic Lark theme park that explodes in a spectacular fashion scattering pips far and wide.

Finally is Too Fast Too Lemony, starring Vin Dieselemon. Vin needed no makeup for this role, a role he suited so well. Vin plays a hard type of person who gets involved with juicing cars, essentially pipping them up and racing them. The final scene has Vin racing his Lemonescort against several pipped up Limepolos, one by one each car gets peeled as they race over the zester circuit, a notorious rough track in the centre of Tokyo. Pictured above is Vin about to start the race.

Universal Fruit we salute you, great films and great lemons, what a combo!


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