Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Ride The Rampant Stamp Stallion

Stamp collecting can be a fascinating hobby if you happen to be in 1956 with little to do on your hands so in celebration of this most noble of past times here's a quick guide to the exciting underground world of Stamp Club. Sufferers gather in large groups of two and Ooo and Ahh over their latest finds, lets see what all the fuss is about as we throw open the doors and take a trip down the stamp stairway...

This is a fine example of just how diverse stamps can be, this is a rare example of a Nicaraguan wife tilting competition, you can see the judge, Simione Callow, to the left. This wife angle is difficult to achieve so this 62 degree legs akimbo deserves a round of applause as well as its own stamp. Later issues of this included a whopping 189 degree angle causing several bystanders to feint with heart palpitations, I have yet to find that stamp but fear it may be banned out of public decency or in sordid collections worldwide.

Fans of Star Wars will be happy to know that Guinea, home to millions of Guinea Pigs issued this 10 peso stamp showing Darth Vader (right) using his force powers to fling Han Solo and Chewbacca into the disposal tubes of the Death Star, Darths secret planet destroying ball of fun hidden from sight by being planet shaped and prone to light aircraft shooting missiles down its flue. All shown here in vivid technicolor. This stamp alone is worth a whopping £0.02p on the open market with unfranked editions being swapped for similar stamps worldwide on the trading website

Celebrities are not left out, this stamp from Magyar celebrates the diversity of Nicki Minaj.

Postal services from around the world differ greatly and add to the mystique of collecting. Shown here is the postal service in Swindon, Africa where the residents have just discovered that the postie has three parcels from eBay which he failed to deliver and are about to puncture him to death using oversized toothpicks.

Where as in Margate residents teach cats to change light bulbs whilst waiting for the post to arrive.

Never let yourself be open to stamp abuse, this selection of stamps were traded anonymously online, they are worthless, anything like the penny black (top left) is not even worth the paper it's printed on. Stamps should be colourful and have fights or cats on them, avoid drab looking ones and you'll be fine.

A double hit from Anguilla, stamps featuring stamps. These will have you spooging all around the room in double ecstasy. It's like the inception of the stamp world and your mind will nearly explode thinking about it. Stamps within stamps, like wow!

Egypt celebrates great comics with Tommy Cooper always a favourite.

Whilst Guernsey combines coin collecting, bovine spotting and stamps for a triple hobby hit that will have you running around the room gibbering to yourself before you don your large coat and stand on deserted platforms waiting for a triple chuffer puffer from Nuneaton to pull in to platform three so you can write the number down.

Britain has the finest stamps, indeed putting Barbara Cartland on them was a stroke of genius. Occasionally special editions are issued which feature great events and people, only last year we had stamps featuring Little and Large and one that depicted something called the O-limp-hicks.

This morning the Royal Mail announced a new stamp is being issued and the prices will be adjusted accordingly. 1st Class will now be £10 for items under 3cm square and a sliding scale will be used for sizes above that. There will also be prices for packets, mini-parcels, small parcels, parcels, medium parcels, medium to middling parcels, middling to large parcels and large parcels providing they are no more than 20cm square and have a surface area less than a Mars bar.

2nd class will now be the new first class and will cost significantly less at £9.99 and a new budget stamp the 3rd class will come into effect tomorrow.

The 'Sorry I'm Late. Again.' will cost £2 for a standard postcard and will be delivered as and when we see fit if at all. Featuring a colourful snail logo it will no doubt be a collectors edition to savour for the future. In further changes all postboxes will now be pay-to-post with their postal slots only opening after depositing the correct change. They will be emptied every Friday in the third week of each month and your daily collections will be improved for your convenience by reducing them to once a week.

So there we are, a thrilling ride roughshod over the rampant stamp stallion taking you to heaven and back. Try it, you never know you might like it!


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